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Individuals struggling with obesity should consider sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass surgery if they have repeatedly tried to lose weight but are unsuccessful in keeping weight off.

According to Obesity Coverage, sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgeries yield the highest percentage of weight loss. This is because both procedures drastically reduce hunger. In sleeve gastrectomy, a portion of the stomach is removed creating a “sleeve” of intestine. On the other hand, gastric bypass involves the attachment of a small pouch within the stomach. This causes food to bypass the stomach into the pouch, reducing appetite.

Qualifying for Surgery
Dr. Nick Nicholson at Nicholson Clinic suggests that a person should consider procedures like the sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass if they have difficulties with portion control because these procedures can help blunt the appetite.

Typically this applies to individuals with a BMI over 35 and who have trouble losing weight through non-surgical regimens.

Seeing Results
In 2004, a study of bariatric surgery determined that after surgery, sleeve gastrectomy patients lose 60 to 70% of their excess body weightwhile gastric bypass patients lose up to 70 to 80% of their body weight. This proves to be more effective than the lap band procedure which only results in 50% of excess body weight loss.

The recovery time varies but averages around 2-4 weeks. Patients can often experience nausea, dehydration, indigestion, or nutritional deficiencies. Dr. Nicholson explains that the procedure for gastric sleeve takes approximately 35-40 minutes to perform and most patients are home the next day. Within 10 days, patients are able to return to work.

Although a sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass procedure can help someone lose weight, it is important that a healthy lifestyle is maintained. With a combination of eating well and moderate exercise, individuals can see significant results.


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