Motivate … Lose Weight … Stay in Shape … And Feel Great!
The post-weight-loss surgery workout: 5 tips for staying motivated The decision to undergo weight loss surgery includes a mental commitment to change one’s lifestyle. This means healthier eating habits, frequent blood work monitoring, and actively participating in … well … action. One of the wonderful things about a more active lifestyle is that the more one engages in working out, the more one’s body will crave the activity. So, how does one stay motivated to get to this feel-good-about-working-out stage? One’s Comfort Zone To know oneself is quite possibly half (or more) of the battle. Some feel comfortable exercising in a structured public environment like the gym, possibly with a personal trainer. Others feel better working out in the privacy of one’s own home with workout videos. Still others enjoy the great outdoors. In nice weather (or even inclement weather), some people jog, walk, or row to stay on track with personal fitness and weight loss goals. The impo...