Things to Ask Before you Consider Bariatric Surgery

Surgery to lose weight, such as Bariatric surgery, can often be helpful when a clean diet or an exercise program fails to help you lose the weight and keep it off. However, despite its proven success record, bariatric surgery contains some risks for your health. In order to ensure that you can qualify for the surgery and get the best results, you will need to make sure to consider the qualifications for bariatric treatment. One way to know is to ask these 7 questions to know if treatment is right for you.

7 Questions to Ask Yourself
●    What has caused your obesity? Is it genetics? The social norm of going out to eat instead of spending that time making a meal? A busy lifestyle?
●    Do your doctors, family, and friends agree that surgery is what you need? Will they be supportive of your idea? Doctors will often check to make sure that you can move around, have a low body mass index, and are in a certain age range.
●     Do you understand the long-term effects of the surgery? These include a new diet, exercise routine, medication, and checkups with your doctor.
●    Do you have a good idea of what type of expectations you want for your life post-surgery?
●    How do you plan to pay for the surgery?
●    Have you tried other, non-surgical treatments for your weight?
●    Are you classified as severely obese?

What to Do with the AnswersWhen you look into bariatric treatment, these 7 steps to learning if the surgery is right for you are important to complete before the final decision is made. Asking these questions will help you understand if you are ready for the surgery, and also will allow your doctors to understand how to help you prepare mentally and physically for the road ahead.


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