Reasons Why You Should Consider Acid Reflux Surgery

If you live in Texas and are facing problems with acid reflux, you need to find out how serious the problem may be. It is vital that you know all the details before looking for options to correct the problem. Read The information below may help you learn why you might need acid reflux surgery

You might need a Fundoplication to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease or to correct a hiatal hernia. To break the process down so that you understand this procedure, we need to begin with the mouth. When we eat anything, its digestion begins in our mouth through the enzyme that is released in our saliva. The food moves down the esophagus and has to go into the stomach. But before that, it needs to cross a barrio known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

The job of this door or valve is to let food down and close back up. It does so with the help of the diaphragm. The reason behind it is that our stomach uses acid to digest the food we eat. While the stomach is lined with special tissue to protect it from the acid, the esophagus is not. If the tissues of our esophagus are in constant contact with the acid, it may cause many problems. Therefore, the valve closes as soon as the food goes in.

Over  time, the valve may become loose and not complete close entirely, this is called a hiatal hernia while the gap itself is called a hiatus. The problem may become worse if the diaphragm becomes loose as well. In this case, part of the stomach seeps up to where the esophagus is supposed to be. The valve is constantly open, and the esophagus is subjected to contact with the acid every day. This might lead to problems like acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It may lead to heartburn and pyrosis,and acid indigestion.

If gastroesophageal reflux disease is not treated, it can lead to quite a lot of problems with our esophagus. Such as ulcers, bleeding, strictures in the esophagus and Barrett’s esophagus. Barrett's esophagus is a severe condition which causes the growth of intestinal type cells in the esophagus, and it can even lead to cancer. A hiatal hernia can make the condition of GERD much worse.

The diagnosis of GERD requires a physical examination and your history, along with various signs and symptoms. To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor might recommend an Upper Endoscopy. The process requires a thin, flexible tube equipped with a light and camera to be inserted down your throat. The endoscopy may help detect inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis) or other complications
, as it allows the doctor to see what the inside looks like before giving the final verdict.

The doctor may also apply esophageal manometry, ambulatory acid (pH) probe test or an X-ray of your upper digestive system. If your doctor recommends the surgery after taking a look at your results, you need to get it without delay.


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