SMART Weight Loss Goals Produce Results

Weight gain generally is a gradual process that occurs over time. Weight loss is also a gradual process that just doesn’t occur effectively overnight. Even so, many people who are on a weight loss path get frustrated when results aren’t nearly immediate. This frustration can lead to failure of even the most well-crafted weight loss efforts.

There is a better way! When dieters set SMART weight loss goals and keep their eyes on more realistic, gradual prizes, victory becomes much more attainable. While the extra pounds won’t melt away overnight, those frustrations are likely to become a thing of the past.

So, what are SMART weight loss goals?

This simple acronym began as a business management tool, but it has incredible implications for weight loss, as well. Here’s what it means to set SMART goals:

Specific – Set goals that are very specific with realism in mind. It’s not likely – or healthy – to try and drop 100 pounds in two months. Instead, set specific goals for reachable targets.
Measurable – Make sure the goals have objective criteria that can be measured.
Attainable – That realism is important so be sure the goals set are not only possible, but very likely. About one to two pounds a week is a fair target to shoot for.
Relevant – For goals to be reached, they must also be relevant to your life. When setting weight loss goals, focus on why they matter.
Timely – Don’t leave weight loss goals open-ended. Pick a target date to reach the overall goal and consider some mini-milestones along the way.

If it’s time to get weight in check, be sure to set SMART goals for making it happen. If you’re not sure where to start with diet and exercise, be sure to consult with your doctor for sound advice to put you on the path to better health and lower weight. 


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