Exercising When You’re Sick

Routine exercise, as is popular knowledge, helps to keep weight under control, lowers blood pressure, keeps cholesterol in check, and lowers the risk of developing a variety of conditions including but not limited to cancer. Staying consistent with exercise allows you to maintain your health for the long run but it’s not always easy - especially when you’re feeling under the weather.

It may feel like the last thing you should be doing is exercising when you are feeling sick but in many cases, a little activity - even if it’s not the level that you normally participate in - can actually make you feel better. So when is it okay to exercise when you’re sick?

    Most doctors will tell you that when you have a head cold, congestion, sore throat, sinus infection, etc., exercise can actually work to reduce symptoms and increase energy.

    If, however, you have a fever or are experiencing body ache, stomach upset, vomiting, etc., it’s best to refrain from exercise and rest until your symptoms subside.

    Most of all, if you do decide to exercise when you are feeling ill, be sure to tailor your activity to how you are feeling. Do only what feels comfortable and don’t push yourself. If you are feeling completely depleted of energy, then it’s okay to stop.

How to Exercise When You’re Sick

Even if you’re not up to doing your normal activity, you can engage in activities that will increase your heart rate, clear your congestion, and help you to feel better. Consider taking a brisk walk, doing a light jog, taking a dance class, or something that is a little lighter than your normal routine. Yoga can also be a great way to stretch, move your body, and focus on your breathing.

Most importantly, listen to your body at all times and let it gently guide you in the activity that will make you feel best.


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