Age and Weight Loss Surgery

Finally making the decision to have weight loss surgery for many people is a burden lifted. There is still, of course, the work that must be done to choose the appropriate procedure, make the necessary preparations for the surgery itself, and start to put the pieces together that will collectively determine your post-surgical success. But the decision has been made and, for a great majority of people who have weight loss surgery, just making that decision feels like a huge accomplishment and a step towards a brighter, healthier future. Many people wonder why they waited so long to make the decision and this can be especially the case for the many people who have spent years struggling with their weight. They may think that they have waited too long and the surgery is not meant for someone of their age or that it won’t do any good, but the truth is that weight loss surgery can be a benefit regardless of age.

Generally speaking, weight loss surgery is not typically recommended for people under the age of 18. For adults, there is no age limit for undergoing surgery, but as with any other kind of surgery, the risks for complications increase with age.

Most important in establishing candidacy for weight loss surgery is your overall physical health with regard to any existing conditions that may make surgery challenging, your psychological health, and your understanding and commitment to the lifestyle changes that must be made to allow the surgery to ultimately be as successful as possible.

With all these factors in mind, your doctor will determine if you are an appropriate candidate for weight loss surgery - regardless of your age.


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