Losing Yourself While Losing Weight: What Makes Weight Loss So Difficult?

Losing weight is a common goal. Why do so many struggle to accomplish it?

It’s almost time to start thinking about New Year’s Resolutions again. This is a time that many dread. Every year it seems there is one goal that appears on the list relentlessly: weight loss. It seems easy enough. YouTube videos will say to eat a certain amount of calories to maintain a certain weight, or they’ll say taking a specific workout class will change your life. If it were so easy, why does it seem impossible year after year?


Usually, people will go into a weight loss plan wide-eyed and optimistic. They feel on top of the world, ready to get up at 6 A.M. every morning for a run. They write out meal plans and grocery lists, skipping the potato chip aisle like it could give them the plague. However, life begins to get in the way, and the rose-colored glasses break much quicker than anticipated. So, what’s the solution?


Accountability is just as important as resilience when it comes to weight loss. If you start with the mindset that you will accomplish those goals you wrote out before January 1st, that’s great. What sets people apart, though, is a detailed plan to accomplish those goals. Perhaps this means hiring a personal trainer to create a customized workout plan. Regardless, accountability is key.


Everybody is different. This is a cliché, but it’s true and a factor that many forget when initiating a weight loss journey. Health complications such as hernias that require surgery could potentially be a road-block during the process. Thankfully, with modern technology at our side, many patients can continue losing weight after bariatric and other related surgeries. It just might take a little more work post-op or a few more visits to specialists.

Weight loss can be a frustrating process. It can be tempting to throw in the towel and cancel a gym membership. Despite complications, a healthy mindset can push you forward towards accomplishing your goals!


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