Should I Become Pregnant After Gastric Bypass?

Gastric bypass is a weight loss surgerythat has become an option for many. Once a woman has this procedure done, she begins a journey to feeling better about herself. But what if you decide to have children? Is this a safe choice after having gastric bypass surgery?

Pregnancy and Weight Loss Surgery in TexasBecoming pregnant after weight loss surgery is safe. Ongoing research suggests pregnancy after weight-loss surgery might be safer than becoming pregnant while considered obese.

While research continues, studies are suggesting that weight-loss surgery before pregnancy might protect both mom and baby from obesity-related problems. Problems related to the pregnancy of a mom with obesity could include:

●     gestational diabetes
●     pre-eclampsia
●     organ damage

Weight Loss Surgery in the Dallas AreaWhen considering becoming pregnant after having had weight-loss surgery, consult with your healthcare provider. The providers at the Nicholson Clinicprovide weight loss surgery in the Dallas area and are there to help you to plan accordingly. Consulting a registered dietitian can be helpful as well.

Tips for Becoming Pregnant after Weight Reduction Surgery in DallasWeight reduction surgery in Dallas comes with experts who will recommend postponing a pregnancy until your weight stabilizes. This usually happens at the 12 to 18 month date after surgery. Your surgeon may suggest you wait longer.

Rapid weight loss can deprive a growing baby of essential nutrients. This can lead to a low birth weight. Monitoring your baby’s growth is essential and will typically be done with fetal ultrasounds.

Your health care provider may recommend certain nutritional supplements. These may include folic acid, vitamin D, vitamin B-12, iron, and calcium. In addition to these you will most likely want to take a daily prenatal vitamin before pregnancy and after.


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