Facts About Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, like all surgeries, has its risks and benefits, but when weight loss is not effective through conventional means, gastric sleeve surgery could be your answer.

The surgery reduces the size of the stomach by removing the left side while still allowing the stomach to digest food and funnel it into the small intestine, although the amount of food your stomach can handle is much less than it was before. The left side of the stomach is the part that produces the hormone ghrelin, which controls hunger. Without the hormone, the appetite of the patient is reduced and weight can be lost.

Gastric sleeve surgery is irreversible, so be sure to talk to your doctor and gather all your options before committing to the surgery. However, by keeping the stomach’s function, as well as the valve that connects the stomach to the small intestine intact, the surgery carries much less risk than others. 

What you need to know

Gastric sleeve surgery does have requirements for an ideal candidate and some of them are things you should know before applying:

You must be more than 100 pounds over your target body weight
You must be experiencing health effects related to your weight, such as shortness of breath or diabetes
You must have proof that you have taken a supervised diet without it having any effect on your weight

In addition, this surgery can help with portion control, will making you feel less hungry, and most patients can go home on the same day as the surgery and know that they can start losing weight within weeks or months of their new diet.

What you need to know about gastric sleeve surgery is vast and varied, but by taking the time to understand the requirements and benefits, you can be even more confident in knowing whether it is the right choice for you. 


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