Bariatric Surgery Can Be a First Step to Weight Management

Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, has made many advances over the years. It started out as an invasive procedure but can now be done laparoscopically (with minimal incisions). The time taken has therefore been reduced, the pain is much less, and the risks associated with surgery are also reduced.

Losing weight and managing weight loss can be a struggle for many and for different reasons. Some may have tried using traditional methods such as behavioral changes and diet, even if medically supervised. It is at this point that many consider weight loss surgery.

There are different types of weight loss surgeries including gastric bypass, duodenal switch, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric banding, intragastric balloons, and revisional/conversion surgery. All these are meant to help the patient reduce weight so they can live a healthier and better life.

Bariatric surgery has been established as a valid weight loss method after in-depth research but it may not be suitable for every patient. Medical practitioners advise that patients meet certain criteria for them to qualify for these procedures. These include:

•    A body mass index (BMI) of more than 40.
•    Patients with a BMI of 35 and above can be considered if they are experiencing other debilitating health conditions such as high blood pressure. It is important that these conditions get better with this procedure.

Being overweight comes with several other side effects that can be avoided such as joint pains, poor sleep and reduced energy levels. Living healthier and with the freedom to move around is definitely a better option as compared to obesity.

Bariatric surgery is effective and can help begin the journey to weight management. The procedure itself necessitates dietary changes afterwards. A leaner physique provides more energy as the weight loss journey continues. This procedure truly is the first step to improved weight management when all else seems to have failed.       


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