Weight Loss Surgery: 3 Most Common Options

Getting weight under control isn’t always as easy as some make it out to be. When diet and exercise alone fail to provide the necessary results to address obesity and help improve overall health, bariatric surgery may be recommended. Often considered an option of last resort for helping those who are obese shed pounds and keep them off, bariatric surgical procedures have a long and proven history of producing results. 

People who explore bariatric surgery and other medical interventions to address obesity will find there are a number of options available. The following three surgical procedures are among the most commonly performed for people who suffer from serious obesity:

Gastric bypass – This procedure is the most involved, but it is also the most popular because of the dramatic weight-loss results it procedures. It involves reducing the stomach’s holding capacity while also rerouting the digestive track to limit the body’s ability to absorb calories.
Sleeve gastrectomy – This procedure involves the surgical shrinking of the stomach’s holding capacity to help people feel fuller faster. Like the gastric bypass, it is rather popular because of the dramatic results it can achieve.
Lap band – Also known as adjustable gastric banding, this procedure entails the placement of a band around the upper part of the stomach. This creates a small holding pouch that will enable people to feel fuller faster. Although people tend to lose less weight with this option than the other two, it is quite popular because of the fact the band can be adjusted if needed.

People who are obese are urged to talk to their healthcare providers about all weight loss options. Whether bariatric surgery is recommended or not, taking steps to address weight can greatly improve a person’s overall health. Maintaining a healthy weight can lower risks for a variety of serious health conditions, such as obesity-related cancers and heart disease. 


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