Can Weight Loss Surgery Really Improve Health?

People cite many reasons for undergoing weight loss surgery. Perhaps the biggest, however, involves the overall health benefits that procedures like the gastric bypass can deliver. When severely obese people opt to undergo weight loss surgery, they are likely to notice health improvements that can have ripple effects throughout their entire lives.

So, how does bariatric surgery address overall health? Here are just a few of the benefits people tend to enjoy as the pounds come off:

Improved cardiovascular health and endurance – Carrying around a lot of excess weight can take its toll on the heart and the entire cardiovascular system. Losing weight through bariatric surgery can reduce the pressure on the system and improve a person’s endurance in the process. People who undergo weight loss surgery generally find themselves at much lower risk for high blood pressure, heart attacks and heart disease.
Improved mobility – People who are severely obese tend to suffer from musculoskeletal complaints and joint problems. As the weight comes off, pain associated with these issues tends to subside. This, in turn, can enable people to lead more active, healthier lifestyles.
Improved sleep – People who are obese are more prone to acid reflux and sleep apnea. The two conditions can take a toll on the ability to sleep, which in turn can have negative impacts that ripple throughout a person’s life.
Reduced risks for serious disease – Aside from heart disease, people who lose weight are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, obesity-related cancers and other serious conditions. Bariatric surgery has been proven to be very helpful in lowering risks for many conditions while also improving symptoms in conditions a patient may already have. Some type 2 diabetics, for example, have seen their condition go into remission after surgery.

Weight loss surgery can improve overall health. To find out more or if this option is right for you, be sure to consult with a reputable bariatric surgeon. 


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