Bariatric Surgery Delivers Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

Most people who seek out bariatric surgery do so in hopes of helping them shed a significant amount of weight with a strong likelihood of keeping it off. While procedures like the gastric bypass have been strongly proven to achieve the primary goal, researchers have uncovered a rather long list of side benefits that go beyond weight loss.

People who are considered seriously obese may experience the following benefits from weight loss surgery aside from weight loss itself:

Remission or assistance with type 2 diabetes – Some people who suffer from obesity-related type 2 diabetes have experienced remissions after undergoing weight loss surgery. Studies have shown that even when remission doesn’t occur, dramatic improvements in symptoms are likely.

Improved cardiovascular health – Obesity takes a very strong toll on the cardiovascular system. Weight loss surgery can reduce the risk for coronary heart disease and stroke. Following surgery people tend to see big improvements in cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Fertility improvements – Obesity can lower a person’s ability to conceive a child. Women who are severely obese may have a very difficult time getting pregnant. Men who are obese are more likely to suffer from hypogonadism. Weight loss surgery can help.

Elimination of sleep apnea – People who suffer from obesity-related obstructive sleep apnea often seem major improvements following surgery.

Alleviation of depression – People who suffer from depression that is related to poor body image may find relief from the condition as weight is gradually lost and remains off.

Mobility improvement – Obesity puts a strain on the body’s muscles and joints. When weight comes off, issues related to mobility may improve. Weight loss surgery, for example, has been shown to help people with osteoarthritis, among other concerns.

Bariatric surgery has benefits that go beyond mere weight loss. When obesity-related health concerns arise, surgery may have a meaningful impact. To find out more, speak with a licensed healthcare provider.  


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