Meditation And Weight Loss Can Go Hand-In-Hand

When most people think of a serious weight loss plan to tackle obesity and prevent potentially serious, life-threatening complications, they imagine a highly active exercise routine and strict diet. While those two factors play a critical role, of course, a seemingly more passive practice can also give efforts a huge boost. Researchers are finding that meditation can serve as a critical component in an overall plan to lose weight and keep it off.

Whether pounds are shed through diet and exercise alone or surgical intervention, such as a gastric bypass, has also been performed, meditation can prove very useful. The simple practice of mindfulness meditation, in fact, has been shown to deliver a number of benefits for those on a journey to lose weight and keep it off.

Mindfulness meditation is a practice that involves clearing the mind of extraneous thoughts while focusing on a particular feeling or sensation, such as breathing. The practice is meant to help people develop the ability to pay attention to their bodies, thoughts and feelings. It has also proven to be a powerful tool for helping people focus on goals both consciously and subconsciously. Researchers have found, in fact, that mindful meditation can actually reduce food cravings, assist with portion control and suppress appetite in a healthy way.

The practice of “mindful eating” doesn’t involve meditating at the dinner table. Instead, those who employ this tool simply take pause to consider what they’re eating, how much they’re eating and if they are truly hungry or are actually satisfied. When employed successfully, the practice slows down the process of eating, enabling people to savor food while also likely reducing the amount consumed.

Losing weight is a lifelong journey. Once the pounds are shed, maintenance becomes crucial. Mindful meditation can help effect the changes necessary to enable people to attain their goals and maintain them down the road. To find out more about weight loss options, speak with a healthcare provider. 


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