Is Weight Loss Surgery The Right Call?

Making the decision to undergo weight loss surgery is a big one that demands plenty of thought, research and advice. While bariatric surgery can prove incredibly helpful for assisting those who struggle with their weight to lose the pounds once and for all, many procedures do result in the permanent alteration of the body. With that in mind, there are a number of points patients may want to consider before moving forward.

Why Consider Weight Loss Surgery?
It is estimated that 300,000 Americans die each year due to illnesses linked to obesity. Being overweight can contribute to the development of such potentially fatal conditions as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Obesity has also been strongly linked to a number of different types of potentially fatal cancer. Shedding pounds safely and in a healthy manner can help lower the odds of health-related concerns. For some diabetics, researchers are finding that bariatric surgery may even reverse the effects of the disease over time, sending it into remission.

Who is Eligible? 
While the exact parameters may vary based on the individual case, most surgeons stick with patients who are between the ages of 16 and about 70. Those patients must generally be considered morbidly obese with weight in excess of 100 pounds over the ideal. In some cases, those with a lower BMI will be considered if they have a serious weight-related condition, such as diabetes, hypertension of severe sleep apnea.

Who to Speak With?
While there are many forms of bariatric surgery available, some do result in the permanent alteration of the body. With that in mind, people considering this path are urged to speak with their healthcare providers for assistance in exploring all their options. Making an appointment with a bariatric surgeon to go over the different alternatives is also an excellent choice when researching weight loss surgery. Keep in mind that bariatric surgery does have its risks. It’s best to understand all the pros and cons before moving forward, as well. A reputable surgeon is best positioned to explain these.

Weight loss surgery can help people lose weight and keep it off. It is, however, not a magic bullet, nor is it a diet. Those who undergo this type of procedure will find it is only meant to help make diets more effective. 


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