Can Bariatric Surgery Be A Start To Better Health?

Obesity impacts the body and overall health of an individual. Obese people are often at risk of developing heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, diabetes, and more. While following a diet and exercising is vital, losing weight through these means can be challenging for some. Bariatric surgery has proven effective as it can have a significant impact on weight loss and improve various medical conditions linked to obesity. People can achieve good health through bariatric surgery options such as loop duodenal switch (SADI), gastric bypass, and gastric sleeve. Bariatric surgery is tailored to each patient and requires everyone to follow all guidelines before and after the surgical procedure to obtain and sustain the outcomes. This is a permanent procedure for most, although a small percentage of patients may need revisional surgery over time. Depending on the bariatric procedure performed, the surgeons may take a section of the stomach out or render a section of t...