What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Planning to have gastric sleeve surgery in Texas? You will surely want to know about the procedure and how long it takes to recover. Excitedly, that's the focus of this article! Gastric Sleeve Procedure This procedure eliminates about seventy to eighty percent of the stomach. The remaining stomach – now reduced to about 25% of its original size – is shaped like a banana and resembles a tube or sleeve. This sleeve will now be your stomach. Because Gastric Sleeve involves resection of the portion of the stomach that produces Grehlin - the hormone that makes you feel hungry, patients who undergo Sleeve Gastrectomy report a reduced appetite, helping them to lose weight.These hormonal changes will be effective in reducing food cravings and helps you feel fuller easily. The healing process can take weeks. However, patients start seeing initial results after a few weeks, drastic results after 3-6 months, then complete weight loss somewhere between nine months to a year. Consulting ...