Considering a Sleeve Gastrectomy? Here’s What to Expect
When it comes to weight-loss surgeries that are known to produce dramatic and often very lasting results, there are two major options: the gastric bypass and the sleeve gastrectomy. While the bypass has long been the gold standard for producing the results those considered morbidly obese need, the sleeve is fast gaining in popularity. Although similar in its aim and the results produced, the sleeve gastrectomy tends to be a little less involved. That fact is one of the driving forces behind this procedure being selected by patients and their doctors at a growing rate. The sleeve gastrectomy and bypass are both designed to shrink the stomach’s holding capacity. In doing so, these procedures make it very difficult for people to overeat. In the sleeve procedure, the shrinking involves the surgical removal of roughly 80 percent of the stomach. What is left behind is a small, banana-shaped pouch. It’s that pouch that gives the procedure its name. In addition to providing a way to promot...