Can a Balloon Really Help with Weight Loss?
As America’s obesity problem spirals out of control, new options to help in the battle against the bulge are being introduced. An estimated third of the country’s population is currently considered obese, increasing risks for diabetes, heart disease, some forms of cancer and other complications. While obesity is a serious concern for adults, children are not immune. It is also estimated about a third of America’s young adults are considered obese. While weight loss programs and invasive surgical interventions can help some people shed pounds, that is not always the case. Diet and exercise alone simply does not help everyone. Surgical procedures like the gastric bypass are only recommended in cases where a person’s body mass index is especially high. People caught in the middle will find there are new options available to help them. One involves a much less invasive procedure that essentially mimics the effects of weight loss surgery for a measured period of time, using a balloon ins...