Mediation Can Help You Eat Smarter
Making the choice to eat smarter, healthier and less to promote weight loss is fantastic. Carrying through on the plan, however, is often easier said than done. If it’s time to lose weight by making better choices at the table, mediation can help more than many people realize. Meditation doesn’t have to involve long sessions sitting on a floor with palm up to the air. It really is nothing more than focusing the mind on a singular point while enabling other thoughts to fleet away for a time. At the dinner table, mediation techniques can promote smarter eating while enabling some people to eat a great deal less than they normally might. Here are some tips to get started: • Be mindful of the foods selected – Before even sitting down and digging a fork in, carefully consider the food options. Select leaner, healthier choices and only put appropriate serving sizes on a plate. • Concentrate on eating – Once a healthy meal is served, employ mediation techn...