Cosmetic Surgery Numbers Rising Along With Weight Loss Procedures
The dramatic weight loss associated with successful bariatric surgery can leave behind a few unwanted side effects courtesy of sagging, excess skin that doesn’t rebound as pounds are shed. This particular side effect is giving rise to an increase in cosmetic procedures in the years following bariatric surgeries, such as the gastric bypass. Researchers, in fact, recently crunched some of the numbers and are now realizing that bariatric surgery isn’t necessarily a one-and-done type of proposition for patients who are seeking to improve their appearances along with their health. Data that sheds light on the growing trend of following bariatric surgery comes from the American Society of Plastic Surgery. The data shows strong growth in concurrent surgeries, especially procedures like tummy tucks, upper arm lifts and breast lifts. According to ASPS data, an overall 1.7 million cosmetic surgical procedures were performed in 2014 alone. While breast augmentations still top the charts as t...