Does a Low Price Indicate My Weight Loss Surgeon is Less Skilled?

More often than not charges have very little to do with the quality of service being offered. This also applies in the world of weight loss surgery. No surgeon is identical to another for many reasons and neither are the prices they charge. Charges vary in different states with some expenses much higher than others. It is very easy to think that the more expensive surgeon will do a better job, but that is not always the case. And a surgeon that charges less does not necessarily mean they provide the worst services. Prices depend on different factors. Areas with a lower number of patients may have surgeons charging more so that all costs are offset by the smaller number of patients electing to have surgery. Areas with higher volumes of patients may be able to charge lower rates and still meet all the costs required to run the practice. Some hospitals set the fee to be charged and the doctors may have little or no control over those amounts. Cost is determined ...